The CAMTWR Files are three angles appointed across the show line and show the Blue Angels Parking Area, Show Center (or Comm Cart Cam), and the Media Box. These files require FS Recorder 2.1 beta or later. You can download this at



After installing FS Recorder, copy the CAMTWR Files and paste them into your Flight Simulator X Files folder (C:/Users/Username/Documents/Flight Simulator X Files). Then start FSX, if a little pop up comes up saying if you want to run FS Recorder for FSX, say Run. Once the screen comes up, go to Free Flight and select Pensacola NAS for the airport. Once in Free Flight, select FS Recorder at the top of the Menu bar, go down to "Tower Camera", then click "Load", then load BA Parking Area, Blue Angels Commcart, and Media Box Pcola. Enjoy!

NOTE: In the future, further updates will be made of this scenery! If there happens to be any problems loading the files. Give me a shout at!



This zip download is considered FREEWARE and cannot be distributed as PAYWARE!

Tower Camera positions set by: Holden Smith